Last Updated: Wednesday, 15 August 2018



Participation with a sales stand during an open day at Brandholz waste disposal site. We manage to raise at the end of the day about 450 Euros


Our association took part during the 800th anniversary of the Laurentius Church in Arnoldshain with a booth selling our beads, necklaces and bracelets. We managed to raise round about 300 Euros for our school project.


2. table of cultures in the Millennium Hall (Town Hall) of Oberreifenberg

July 2015

A visit to the Montessori School of ECCO Oberreifenberg by the Project Manger Ernest Nyeko Lam from Uganda

March 2015

A visit to Montessori ECCO school Oberreifenberg by the President Ms. Karla Kamps-Haller during a project day "ear-sinnig hören", "ear - thoughtfully listen" (a workshop). With the support of two female editors from HR (Hessen Radio), the children interviewed the President of our of the Association Palabek H.O.P.E about the current projects at Palabek in Uganda

January 2015

Our visit to Palabek HOPE School [still to come]


Our visit to Masaka / school project in southern Uganda [still to come]

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